Installing postman in Linux

Postman is the most popular tool among developers and testers. Today we are going to see how we can install postman in Linux. (I am using CentOS here, commands may somewhat differ for other Linux flavors)


Download the postman zip file. 


Open up a terminal and navigate to Downloads directory.

 $ cd Downloads/


Extract the downloaded zip

             $ tar -xzf Postman-linux-x64-7.33.1.tar.gz


Create a apps directory under /opt.

            $ sudo mkdir -p /opt/apps/


Move the extracted Postman folder to above /opt/apps/ directory

            $ sudo mv Postman /opt/apps/


Create symlink to access the postman with command

            $ sudo ln -s /opt/apps/Postman/Postman /usr/local/bin/postman


Done. Launch Postman

            $ Postman



Some users face below error when trying to launch postman

 /opt/apps/Postman/app/_Postman: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


This issue will occur if you are missing the library, which is part of the libXScrnSaver package. To resolve this issue, run the command:


To fix the issue, just install the missing library

            $ sudo yum install libXScrnSaver

Postman will run successfully after this fix!


Now lets also create a launch shortcut on Desktop for quick access.


In terminal navigate to Desktop. Use below command to create a .desktop file and paste the contents in that file.

             $ nano postman.desktop


[Desktop Entry]





Comment=Postman Desktop App

Categories=API testing;


    Ctrl+o -> Enter to save. Ctrl+x to exit.


Now there will be a Postman shortcut created on your desktop. Cheers! 🍻
