
Showing posts from September, 2020

Including Swagger in you Spring Boot project

  Including Swagger in you Spring Boot project   We all would have come across APIs  which are communicating interfaces between two systems. Two famous API formats are SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) based APIs have WSDL (Web Services Description Language) format which is an XML based language for describing Web Services. REST (Representational State Transfer) architecture based APIs or so called RESTful web services by default do not have any description language. It is quite cumbersome for the developers to create and maintain API documentation for these. It becomes even more difficult and engaging when API specs  changes frequently or over time.  

Making your Angular application compatible with Internet Explorer 11

Angular : Making your application compatible with Internet Explorer 11   We know that Microsoft’s legacy web browser Internet Explorer is being phased out. However, in some organizations Internet Explorer is still used and they are still in process of moving to recent browsers.   Latest versions of angular is only supported in evergreen browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge.   So, today I am sharing step wise details, with which we can make our application to be supported in Internet Explorer 11. Let’s get started.  

Angular : Achieving payload encryption with Forge | Node-Forge

Angular : Achieving payload encryption with Forge | Node-Forge   Node-forge is a very famous Javascript library which provides a set of utilities for making implementation of cryptography standards easier. It abstracts the heavy work and exposes simple functions which we can use to get the job done. It provides implementation for most of the popular ciphers and PKIs.